| Kelly Wilson

Eating With the Season

Have you ever thought about all it takes for us to get fresh strawberries in the winter or broccoli in the summer? Thanks to modern advancements, we’re able to buy seasonal foods year round... And while this may seem like a good thing, there are actually several reasons why it’s still best to eat with the seasons

3 Reasons to Eat with the Fall Season 🍂

1. It tastes better.

You may have already noticed that fruits and vegetables aren’t as delicious when grown out of season ⁠— and there’s a good reason for this! When foods are grown year-round, they require ripening agents like chemicals, gas, and superficial heat. This allows them to mature faster, but compromises their nutrition and taste.

2. It’s better for the earth.

Not only does growing food out of season affect the quality of the produce, it also harms the environment because it requires shipping and transportation. Rather than buying out-of-season foods at the grocery store, purchase produce at the local farmer’s market. This will ensure your fruits and veggies are fresh and in-season!

3. It’ll save you money.

Food that is in season is often less expensive than out-of-season foods. Why? Because there’s a lot of it! If you get in the habit of eating with the season, you’re sure to eat better and save way more.

🍎 Our Favorite Fall Foods 🍲

Each season comes with its own fresh foods. We look forward to fall every year because of its seasonal delicacies that get us in the mood for home-cooked meals of our favorite comfort foods.

Here are some of our favorite things to buy at the farmer’s market this time of year:

  • Root Vegetables: Squash, fennel, sweet potato, carrot, celery, beets and pumpkin
  • Leafy Greens: Kale, broccoli, spinach, escarole, and arugula
  • Fruit: Apples, pomegranates, and pears
  • Herbs: Ginger, turmeric, basil, and dill
  • Whole Grains: Brown rice, quinoa, and oats

Along with cooking up some delicious fall recipes at home, integrate some of our fall-friendly recipes to your routine!

Here are our favorite OWL recipes that incorporate seasonal fall ingredients:

Looking to have some fun in your kitchen this fall? You can find many fall-inspired recipes in the OWL Lifestyle Guide & Recipe E-Book! We’re currently loving our Kabocha and Green Your Greens soups because they use in-season ingredients and warm us from the inside out. 🍠