The Magical Power of Medicinal Herbs

A question we are often asked at markets and tasting demos is:

“Why are your broths called elixirs?”

Here’s why: Because we want you to know that OWL Venice bone broths aren’t just an average stock. Each of our recipes was formulated to HEAL your gastrointestinal system and promote holistic wellness.

We understand the frustration and discouragement that comes with stomach issues. Being afraid to eat because of the pain that comes afterward is completely debilitating. We know — We’ve been there. So we decided to do something about it.

Along with all the benefits of bone broth (gut repair, joint support, increased bone strength), OWL Venice broths are packed with locally-sourced veggies, roots, and medicinal herbs to aid in digestion, reduce inflammation, alleviate anxiety, support brain health, and more.

In short, OWL Venice Bone Broths are good for your entire being.

If you look at the list of ingredients for our broth elixirs, you’ll notice that we use many of the same herbs in all of our recipes. Here are some of our favorites and the reasons why we keep using them again and again.


Our Favorite Medicinal Herbs


Benefits: Protects against aging, eases menstrual cramping, boosts metabolism, reduces water retention, prevents constipation.

Where you’ll find it: In ALL of our broth elixirs!


Benefits: Alleviates anxiety, aids in digestion, reduces inflammation.

Where you’ll find it: Chicken Bone Broth Elixir, Beef Broth Elixir, Turkey Broth Elixir, Vegan Mineral Broth Elixir.


Benefits: Promote healthy aging, protects against infection, prevents damage from free radicals.

Where you’ll find it: In ALL of our broth elixirs!


Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, removes excess fat from the blood, improves calcium absorption, boosts immune system.

Where you’ll find it: In ALL of our broth elixirs!


Benefits: Reduces blood sugar levels, supports memory and brain health, supports bone health, lowers cholesterol.

Where you’ll find it: In ALL of our broth elixirs!


Benefits: Boosts immune system, lowers blood pressure, improves mood, reduces coughing.

Where you’ll find it: In ALL of our broth elixirs!


Benefits: Reduces inflammation, aids in digestion, supports memory and brain health.

Where you’ll find it: Beef Broth Elixir, Bison Broth Elixir.


Benefits: Aids in digestion, nurtures good gut flora, boosts immune system, reduces inflammation.

Where you’ll find it: In ALL of our broth elixirs!

With all these impressive benefits, it’s no wonder we use all these herbs in the majority of our recipes. So the next time you finish a warm mug of broth and feel like a million bucks, you’ll know that you have these magical (and delicious) ingredients to thank.
