| Andres Jimenez
OWL Mylkshakes: The WHY Behind Our Unique Recipes
We know we’re always ranting and raving about our broth elixirs. We can’t help it! Just a mug a day of this golden, buttery magic is enough to aid in digestion, support the joints, and boost energy.
But it’s time to give some credit where credit is due. The OWL Reset wouldn’t exist without our organic hemp mylkshakes! Why? Because our specially formulated mylkshakes do the hard work of nourishing the body while our broth elixirs help it heal. They reduce inflammation, aid in digestion, and each offer their own unique benefits.
Today we’re taking a deep dive into our mylkshakes’ benefits and ingredients, as well as the biological study that inspired the time of day each mylkshake is consumed during the OWL Reset.

About the Chronodiet
Before we get into our mylkshake recipe and benefits, we have to touch on the Chronodiet, a diet based on the principles of Chronobiology, the study of natural biological rhythms.
The main objective of the Chronodiet is to create harmony by syncing the body with the natural ebbs and flows of our environment. This diet is less focused on what you are eating than when you are eating, and follows the theory that food should be eaten at the time of day it receives information from the sun.
Meet Our Mylkshakes
Our organic mylkshakes were created in accordance with the principles of chronobiology to support our natural circadian rhythm. Each mylkshake is a nourishing blend of homemade hemp milk, veggies, roots, and spices created to improve digestive performance and reduce gastrointestinal inflammation. Drink Magic Matcha in the morning, Golden Ginger at noon, and Bold Beet in the evening.

Rise n' Shine With OWL's Magic Matcha Mylkshake
We don't like to play favorites but our customers do... and the Magic Matcha is the OWL Reset's most beloved mylkshake. Plantains, cinnamon, and matcha tea combine to create a slightly sweet nutritious treat that starts the day off on a high note.
Based on the principles of Chronobiology, it's best to eat fruit in the morning. Because the Magic Matcha Mylkshake contains plantain, it's consumed during the first half of the day in the OWL Reset.
Alkaline water, homemade hemp milk, plantains, cinnamon, matcha green tea powder, spirulina, bentonite clay and a pinch of himalayan sea salt.
- Aids in the detoxification of heavy metals
- Increases energy
- Regulates blood sugar
Perk Up With OWL's Golden Ginger Mylkshake
Gorgeous goodness in a glass. Ginger and turmeric give the Golden Ginger Mylkshake its refreshing flavor. Perfect for a lunch hour pick-me-up!
Based on the principles of Chronobiology, it's best to eat vegetation that grows close to the ground in the afternoon. The Golden Ginger Mylkshake contains kabocha squash and is consumed mid-day during the OWL Reset.
Alkaline water, homemade hemp milk, roasted kabocha squash, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, slippery elm, and a pinch of himalayan sea salt.
- Reduces inflammation
- Balances blood sugar
- Regulates digestion
Wind Down With OWL's Bold Beet Mylkshake
One of our most photogenic creations and packed with essential nutrients... The Bold Beet Mylkshake is an earthy concoction of beet, ginger, and turmeric.
Based on the principles of Chronobiology, vegetables, roots, and tubers that grow underground are best eaten after sunset. As its name indicates, the Bold Beet Mylkshake contains beets. Because of this, this vibrant pink shake is consumed in the evening in the OWL Reset.
Alkaline water, homemade hemp milk, beets, ginger, turmeric, triphala powder, and a pinch of himalayan sea salt.
- Increases circulation
- Reduces inflammation
- Regulates digestion
Our Mylkshakes' MVP Ingredients
Now that we've shared what makes our mylkshakes special, it's time to highlight the ingredients that offer unique health benefits in each recipe.

Magic Matcha's MVP: Bentonite Clay
Bentonite clay is a natural, fine clay that turns into a paste when combined with water. This material forms from volcanic ash and contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron.
Along with being a good source of essential nutrients, bentonite clay has a negative charge and attracts positively charged metals. As a result, it is effective in removing heavy metals like lead from the body. Bentonite clay is also known to stick to toxins and reduce their effect on the body. This helps relieve the symptoms of IBS, diarrhea, and constipation. This is why we've chosen to include it in the Magic Matcha Mylkshake.
Golden Ginger's MVP: Slippery Elm
Slippery elm is a tree native to North America that is best known for its dark brown to reddish brown bark. Native American cultures used its slimy red inner bark found in twigs and branches as a natural remedy for fevers, wounds, and sore throat. Today, the inner bark of slippery elm is still recognized for its therapeutic benefits.
We've included this miraculous natural healer in our Golden Ginger Mylkshake recipe because it creates a soothing film over mucous membranes. (...We know that sounds gross, but stay with us...) It's this unique quality that reduces inflammation in the bowel system. It also soothes the digestive tract by reducing sensitivity to gastric acids and eases digestive spasms.
Bold Beet's MVP: Triphala Powder
Triphala has been used as a natural healing agent in Ayurvedic medicine for over a thousand years. This herbal remedy is made up of three dried fruits native to India: Amla, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki.
Alma is high in vitamin C, amino acids, and minerals and is known to relieve constipation. Bibhitaki contains powerful plant compounds known for their medicinal qualities. It reduces inflammation and regulates blood sugar. Haritaki is a small green fruit containing phytochemicals with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In Ayurvedic medicine, haritaki is used to treat digestive issues like constipation. It's these powerful healing properties that make triphala an important ingredient in our Bold Beet Mylkshake.

Thoughtful Recipes = Powerful Results
When you get to know the healing ingredients we've chosen to include in our hemp mylkshakes, it becomes easy to understand why they have such impressive benefits. When these organic shakes are consumed alongside OWL Bone Broth Elixirs during the OWL Reset, they provide the body with absorbable nutrients, aid in digestion, and soothe the gastrointestinal system.
In short, the OWL Reset is a program based on thorough research.
It's not a miracle — It's science!
In health,
The OWL Fam