'I love OWL Venice so much! [...] Learning about the brand and all about Lindsey's journey struck a chord within me, considering the fact that our health histories are VERY similar. I have loved doing the cleanse every time I've done it. It has reduced my bloat and really made me feel glowy from the inside out [...] the broths are so soothing and healing to my soul.' Jordan Younger (The Balanced Blonde)
'OMG bone broth for all! Finding Owl Venice was a dream - a local LA company, delivering the best quality bone broth straight to your home, which is perfect for my bi-costal lifestyle. Owl Venice is a company I highly recommend to all my clients, given they offer everything from vegan broths, to cleanses, to even a magic matcha mylkshake. What is not to love about this company?!' Robyn Youkilis (Health Coach & #1 Best Selling Author of 'Thin from Within' & 'Go With Your Gut')
'OWL has been completely game-changing for my health. After my first 4 day cleanse, my body has never felt better. My digestion was amazing, and I could feel my body detoxing (and the de-bloating was next level). Also, over the course of the 4 days, I didn't experience any of my digestive issues and symptoms. I now do little 2-day OWL resets every other week to keep me on track. The milkshakes and broths and nutrient packed and FILLING! Huge fan of OWL!' Nicole Cogan (NOBREAD)
'I love OWL because it's a product line made with high quality products and you can taste the LOVE!!!' Sophie Jaffe (Founder of PhilosopieLove)