Community Spotlight: Meet Stevie Finedore

Meet Stevie Finedore, an LA based yoga and boxing instructor, who describes herself on Instagram as 6 feet of sunshine. We couldn't agree more! 
We had the pleasure to sit down and chat, her upbeat personality and zest for life will leave you feeling inspired and as if you are capable of anything.

How did you hear about OWL?
I met Lindsey on a big group trip to Hawaii with a bunch of friends, that's when I heard about OWL. I have truly seen OWL flourish into this incredible brand and the team behind it I can personally attest to tell you they are some of the most incredible humans I've come across and it shows in the products that they are putting out. 

What excites you about OWL?
I'm your typical skeptical asshole (I don't know if I can say that in a blog post but YOLO), OWL has broken through all of my preconceived opinions on cleansing and skin care. I have always been the one to avoid adding in oil serums to my skin care in fear of breaking out more, and OWL's skin care has made my skin glow on a whole new level. Same with their gut reset cleanses, it completely cleared my skin, took away all inflammation, and bloating. I shortly after became a super fan of all things OWL.

What is your favorite OWL product (and why)?
The vegan mineral broth is by far my favorite product, if I could I would get an IV of it everyday! This broth is my life saver for when I'm sick or wanting to give my gut a vacay from digesting food. It is so yummy, light, and flavorful. I either drink it solo with some fresh lemon squeezed in, or use it as a base for a winter soup!

What mantra do you live by?
I release; I let go; My life is in perfect flow. I love to be in control, and it has taken me a long time to loosen my grip on life and to let it play its course. I truly believe if you trust the process everything will always fall into the place it should if you just allow yourself to let go. 

What brings you peace and joy?
Movement is my medicine! I'm fully addicted to movement that can be smashing a boxing session, yoga, hiking, or just a long walk. I take all my energy good or bad and direct it out of my body so that I can feel more calm, peaceful, and blissful!

How do you practice self-care in your busy life?
Real talk, I preach self-care like crazy, and I'm not so good at taking my own advice. With that said, I love doing face mask, cooking, an cleaning. It's the little things that matter, right?!

What are you looking forward to most on the OWL Ojai Ritual Retreat?
I have to choose one thing??? Haha. I'm excited for the cooking class and yoga, as well as, just being in beautiful Ojai it's one of my favorite places in California.

How would your friends describe you?
Energetic and playful yet present, determined and driven, relentlessly optimistic, and loves to connect with people.

What are your days filled with?
My days are filled with lots of working out. I typically teach 2-3 public yoga classes a day, as well as my clients, and my own personal workout. All of this is followed by loads of food and rest.

Tell us something interesting about yourself!
Fun fact, my 8 front teeth are fake from a pogo stick'ing accident, and I currently have a broken wrist, but anyone who knows me knows this isn't stopping me!

Every person in your life is a teacher, and you, Stevie, are teaching us how to show up, be open to the process and to not forget to live a little in between it all. Find her on Instagram at @steviefinedore, peep at her website steviefinedore.com for her class schedule, or join us for our Ritual Retreat in Ojai and hang out with her in real life!

Connection is real. Come see experience it for yourself,
The OWL Family