The OWL’s Nest Blog


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    Vitamin D - One Nutrient, Many Jobs

    All vitamins are crucial to having properly functioning organs. We all know that vitamin C helps your immune system, vitamin E assists with cell repair, and vitamin A is for eye health. There’s a whole catalogue of B vitamins that help with everything from brain functions to energy production. E... View Post
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    Eating for Anxiety

    A Guide to Calming Your Anxiety Through Nourishing Food Did you know your gut is often referred to as your second brain? Those butterflies in your stomach when you get excited, or the queasiness brought on by nerves - that is your brain talking to your gut, and your gut talking back. That’s righ... View Post
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    A Breakdown of Bitters: Why is OWL Digestive Bitters The Best

    If you’re into digestive health, then you know why we’re big on bitters. Ancient Chinese Medicine has employed this magical method to help with slow moving, uncomfortable guts for thousands of years. Though the combination of ingredients may vary between concoctions, the remedy still packs a pot... View Post
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    5 Tips for Self-Care When You’re Expecting

    Either you’ve just found out you’re pregnant (let us first say congratulations! - cue the happy tears) or you’re planning to become pregnant and you’re doing a little research first - a superb idea. As a hopeful or expecting, health-conscious mother you don’t need to be told that taking care of y... View Post
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    Is Your Lifestyle Helping or Harming Your Gut?

    There is a whole community living within your intestines. If you’re thinking about billions of microscopic people walking around a city with its own infrastructure run by their own form of government (that sounds more like the plot of a sci-fi film with a cult following) you might be in the wrong... View Post